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Plastic Surgery




The mini-abdominoplasty procedure at Dr. Sof’s clinic is similar to a regular abdominoplasty procedure (also known as a tummy tuck), except it focuses solely on the area below the belly button rather than the whole abdomen. This procedure can help you to regain confidence and restore your stomach’s appearance to its more natural state.  The procedure is common in women that have gone through childbirth, or men and women who have experienced a significant reduction in weight at some point.

This procedure is great for those who have had a C-Section scar with a little overhang.

The procedure can also be a preferred option for those who have previously had a traditional abdominoplasty procedure but were dissatisfied with it for varied reasons.


What is a mini-abdominoplasty procedure?

A mini-abdominoplasty procedure, also known as a mini tummy-tuck, removes the excess skin and fat in the lower abdominal region. The result of the procedure is a more youthful-looking overall contour to the body.

The removal of loose and excess tissue during the surgery helps to improve the aesthetic appearance of the abdominal area and will create a slimmed-down appearance. Sometimes the muscles will also be tightened. No scar is left around the tummy button, which may be stretched to become a different shape.

Mini-Abdominoplasty Procedure with Dr. Sof


Considering a mini-abdominoplasty to achieve a flatter and more toned abdomen? Discover what to expect when you choose Dr. Sofiane Rimouche for your mini-abdominoplasty journey:

Consultation and Evaluation: Your mini-abdominoplasty journey begins with a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Sof. During this initial meeting, Dr. Sof will listen attentively to your concerns, assess your abdominal anatomy, and discuss your goals for abdominal contouring. He will perform a thorough examination to determine if a mini-abdominoplasty is the most suitable option to address your needs.

Preparation: On the day of your mini-abdominoplasty procedure, you’ll arrive at the surgical facility prepared for your surgery. Dr. Sof and his team will ensure you’re comfortable and relaxed before administering anaesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

Surgical Technique: Dr. Sof will employ advanced surgical techniques to remove excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen, tighten the abdominal muscles, and create a more contoured and sculpted appearance. Unlike a full abdominoplasty, which addresses both the upper and lower abdomen, a mini-abdominoplasty focuses primarily on the area below the navel.

Incision Placement: Dr. Sof will make a horizontal incision above the pubic area, typically concealed within the natural contours of the bikini line. Through this incision, he will remove excess skin and fat, as well as tighten the underlying muscles if necessary, to improve abdominal contour and definition.

Closing Incisions and Recovery: Following the procedure, Dr. Sof will close the incisions with sutures and apply dressings as needed. You’ll be closely monitored in the recovery area before being discharged with detailed post-operative instructions. Dr. Sof will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and ensure a smooth recovery process.

Results: As you heal from the mini-abdominoplasty procedure, you’ll begin to notice a firmer, flatter, and more toned appearance in your lower abdomen. Dr. Sof’s approach aims to deliver natural-looking results that enhance your body contour while maintaining a balanced aesthetic.


Important Note from Dr. Sof: While you may observe initial improvements, the full results of your mini abdominoplasty surgery may take a few months as swelling gradually subsides.

Guidance on Return to Activities: Your personalised plan for gradually resuming daily activities will be carefully determined in collaboration with Dr. Sof, ensuring a smooth transition back to your regular routine.


You may choose to undergo a Mini-Abdominoplasty for a variety of reasons which are personal to you. These may include:

Mini-Abdominoplasty allows for focused fat removal in the lower abdomen, addressing stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

This procedure tightens the abdominal muscles, resulting in a firmer and more toned midsection.

Mini-Abdominoplasty can improve the overall appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and tissue, resulting in a smoother and more contoured silhouette.

By achieving a flatter and more sculpted abdomen, individuals often experience a significant boost in self-confidence and body image.

£5, 835

Guide Price for a Mini-Abdominoplasty


Mini-abdominoplasty, a less extensive form of abdominoplasty, carries certain risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, fluid accumulation, scarring, and asymmetry. However, under the care of Dr. Sof, you can find comfort in his expertise and commitment to patient safety. Dr. Sof employs meticulous surgical techniques and personalised treatment plans to minimise risks and achieve optimal outcomes. With his compassionate care and attention to detail, you can undergo mini-abdominoplasty with confidence, knowing you’re in expert hands.

*During the consultation process you will have a detailed discussion about all of the potential risks and benefits.


The following five steps will support your recovery


It is vital all of our patients closely follow these steps

"Dr. Sof is a very professional, informative and caring doctor. He made me feel happy and extremely comfortable with my chosen treatment".


Your mini-abdominoplasty consultation can be carried out at various locations across Cheshire, Lancashire, or Manchester, to suit you. An initial consultation can also be carried out virtually via Zoom or FaceTime if you prefer. We will conduct a detailed consultation and assessment where we will discuss the risks and benefits of the mini-abdominoplasty procedure. You will have the opportunity to discuss the procedure in detail in a relaxed setting with our consultant plastic surgeon, Dr Sof.

The procedure usually will take around 1-2 hours, and you will either be treated as a Day-case or you may need to spend the night. Dr Sof will discuss this with you during your consultation.

The results of the mini-abdominoplasty will be permanent, if the procedure is followed up with a good exercise and diet regimen. The key to the long lasting effect of the surgery is to avoid weight gain as much as possible post-surgery.

Dr. Sof will make every effort to minimise the appearance of scarring post-procedure. Our main aim is to make sure the scar is both as small as possible and is positioned in the most unobtrusive place, I.E., just below the bikini line. The extent of the visibility of the scar will depend on the amount of tissue that is removed during the mini-abdominoplasty procedure. Information regarding the minimisation of the scar will be discussed with you following the surgery. The first steps to having a mini-abdominoplasty procedure performed by Dr. Sof would be to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sof himself. We can accommodate your wishes as to where this consultation would be performed and we have locations across the north-west including Cheshire, Manchester and Lancashire. We can also arrange a virtual consultation if you prefer. Dr Sof provides and extremely caring, sympathetic and professional service with an unwavering focus on your wellbeing and care. Call us today to arrange a commitment-free consultation and start your journey to achieve the body shape you desire.

The recovery of this procedure does require time off work, and some patience as your body recovers. Mild to moderate pain can be expected post-surgery. Following your procedure, depending on your schedule, you will need to take some time off work. If you have young children, you will require assistance for their day-to-day care immediately following surgery. Light exercise may be resumed from approximately 2-4 weeks following the surgery. Strenuous work and exercise should be avoided for six weeks following the mini-abdominoplasty surgery. You will have the opportunity to contact the clinic at any time and we will always be here for you to answer any questions you may have. A post-op check up appointment will be arranged with you after the mini-abdominoplasty surgery. Do I need to lose excess weight before having my Mini Abdominoplasty Surgery? Dr. Sof will always recommend that patients are as close to their ideal weight as possible prior to the mini-abdominoplasty procedure. We recommend that you follow a balanced diet post-surgery too.

All patients will be given a pressure garment to wear for up to 6 weeks after the treatment.



Disclaimer: Prices displayed on the website may vary depending on individual patient needs. Additionally, results vary from person to person and are influenced by individual factors.

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Disclaimer: Prices displayed on the website may vary depending on individual patient needs. Additionally, results vary from person to person and are influenced by individual factors.